Greville Terraces Residential Precinct to Rise on Bridge St, Wooloowin

Greville Terraces
Photo Credit: DA A005904947/BCC

Plans have been laid out for the construction of Greville Terraces, a townhouse facility in the former Sisters of Mercy site on Bridge St in Wooloowin.

Per the development application (DA A005904947), the multiple dwelling precinct will consist of five residential clusters with a maximum three-storey height. Each townhouse, separated into clusters, will have its own private space through the balconies and heaps of communal open spaces. 

Per the planners, RPS Group, “The dwellings have been designed to ensure a high standard of materials and finish, and to incorporate variation and articulation in façade design between individual homes through the provision of varied dwelling types. Dwellings are provided in three types which vary in lot depths, frontage widths and garage widths. The intention is to create a cohesive internal streetscape through consistent setbacks to internal roads, while simultaneously providing architectural diversity through varied lot types, design elements, and articulation and recesses.”

Photo Credit: DA A005904947/BCC
Photo Credit: DA A005904947/BCC

The clusters will have 50 car parking spaces plus an additional 12 car parking spaces for visitors. Bike storage areas for each unit will also be allotted. The townhouses will also have new internal driveway access to connect the different clusters.

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Graceville Terraces will stand on the heritage site, Holy Cross Laundry (Heritage Laundry). Per RPS Group, “The eastern section of the driveway is the only section of the proposal which is located in the Heritage Laundry Precinct. The proposed dwellings are not located within the Heritage Laundry Precinct, however, they comply with the maximum building height and setbacks plan requirement for the precinct.”

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Heritage Laundry was built around 1889 and has long been planned for repurposing as a residential site, following its sale in 2015. A small section of the land will remain under the use of the Sisters of Mercy when Graceville Terraces is completed.

The master-planned urban community will be a mix of modern apartments with facets of a Queensland terrace home, alongside the adaptive reuse of existing heritage buildings. There will also be a parkland within the village. 

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