Padua College Looks to Extend Facilities at Assisi Campus

Existing La Cordelle hall (Photo credit: M3 Architecture)

Padua College in Kedron has submitted development plans to the Brisbane City Council to build an extension of its current building at its Assisi campus.

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The proposal, designed by the award-winning firm M3 Architecture, calls for the partial demolition of the existing La Cordelle building. It also includes earthworks to facilitate the rear extension of the current structure.

The La Cordelle hall, constructed back 2004, houses a covered recreation and sports hall/court as well as accompanying amenities.

Artist’s visualisation for the building (Photo credit: M3 Architecture)

The multi-purpose hall will be expanded and air conditioned whilst the new layout will feature additional technical and design classrooms. Details of the planned development include:

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  • Level 1: 1 construction workshop and associated outdoor covered area
  • Level 2: 2 design labs, 1 engineering lab, 1 clean tech workshop, and an outdoor breakout space
  • Level 3: Hall extension and storage
  • Level 4: Roof extension and plant deck
Proposed site plan (Photo credit: M3 Architecture)

According to planning documents submitted by the college, the extension will improve facilities for current students by expanding the campus within the existing education precinct. The proposal results in no loss of residential land in the area.

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The planners stated that the proposal would give Padua College a chance to develop extra teaching areas and amenities for its present students in a coordinated way. They said this integrated approach would help increase and enhance the school’s existing educational facilities.

Padua College
Inside La Cordelle (Photo credit: Padua College Kedron (Official)/Facebook)

“The proposal is considered to provide a maintain the existing residential amenity of the locale on the basis that the proposed education facilities primarily consists of non-residential sensitive uses, which has limited potential to adversely impact the surrounding residential Neighbourhoods,” said planners from Planning Initiatives.

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To learn more about Padua College’s proposal, visit Council’s PD Online with the reference A006335398.

Published 18-August-2023

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