McDowall State School is among Queensland’s best performing schools according to the 2021 NAPLAN assessments.
McDowall State School ranks among the roster of high-performing schools, according to the latest NAPLAN results, compared to students with a similar background (as determined by parental occupation and education).
Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology bested other QLD schools, emerging top-ranked in all five categories with scores “well above” average for both Year 7 and 9 students.
Only 34 other schools scored at least a “well above” category rating including McDowall State School, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Brisbane Grammar School, Citipointe Christian College and Sunnybank Hills State School.
My School’s NAPLAN results update showed that McDowall State School Year 5 students have scored “well above” the average score in 2 of the 5 categories (Reading and Grammar).
Year 5’s scores in Writing, Spelling and Numeracy are likewise impressive which were “above” the average. This is a marked improvement from 2019 NAPLAN results where students have scored “above” the average in 5 out 5 categories.
Year 3 students also did well with “above” the average score in Spelling and Grammar when compared to students with a similar background. In 2019, Year 3 students scored “close to” average in all categories.
The 2020 NAPLAN assessments did not proceed that year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Students’ results when compared to students with a similar background (2021)

Source: My School – Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2021 NAPLAN results
Students’ results when compared to students with a similar background (2019)

Source: My School – Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2021 NAPLAN results
As far as results being compared to all Australian students, the latest NAPLAN result showed that McDowall SS rating “well above” average in 7 of 10 combined categories for Years 3 and 5. Year 3 students did exceptionally well in Reading, Spelling and Grammar whilst Year 5 students were phenomenal in Reading, Writing, Grammar and Numeracy.
Students’ results when compared to all Australian students (2021)

Source: My School – Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2021 NAPLAN results
Students’ results when compared to all Australian students (2019)

Source: My School – Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2021 NAPLAN results
In a statement released in late 2021, ACARA noted that the NAPLAN results report “reaffirmed” the preliminary findings that the students’ literacy and numeracy achievement at the national or state/territory level did not record a decline despite the pandemic-induced school disruptions.
“The NAPLAN results for 2021 indicate that when compared with 2019 – the last NAPLAN taken pre-COVID – achievement in numeracy, reading and writing remained largely stable at a national level for all students,” said ACARA CEO, David de Carvalho.
Mr de Carvalho added that the average trend is positive in general with Years 3 and 5 showing improvements in reading as well as in numeracy for Years 5, 7 and 9. On the other hand, the overall decline in writing has shown signs of flattening with apparent improvements for Years 5, 7 and 9.