After the Zone Bowling Alley closed in 2017, the once-thriving establishment fell into disrepair. The location could soon get a new lease on life, however, thanks to a redevelopment plan aiming to transform the site into a medical centre.
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Since the closure of the bowling alley on 278 Gympie Road in Kedron, what was once a space for community camaraderie over a night of bowling has become a canvas for acts of senseless destruction by vandals.
Local residents, witnessing the disarray, likened the scene to a bomb site, with shattered windows and deteriorating walls, a striking testament to the extent of the ruin.
According to reports, Ardent Leisure, sold its Australian bowling alleys and arcades for $160 million, aiming to allocate funds towards expanding its entertainment venues in the United States, and attracting customers back to its Gold Coast theme parks.

Following the closure of the Zone Bowling Alley in Kedron, Carbone Developments has submitted its plans to transform it into a fresh food centre. Designed by CDI Architects, the original development objective was to revamp the facility into a modern space that offers fresh produce to the community.

The development blueprint entailed the inclusion of an anchor tenant, along with five additional tenancies to accommodate supporting businesses. After the initial submission, however, the developer was unable to find suitable tenants for the initial concept. A Material Change of Use for a 24-hour medical centre with a shop was submitted to replace the original concept.
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Hundreds of locals expressed their concerns regarding plans for a medical centre, due to significant issues with parking, traffic and congestion within the area.
The development application for the site, located at 278 Gympie Road in Kedron, received Council approval in 2021.
Tenancies are available at 278 Gympie Rd in preparation for a 2023 opening. Currently, the medical centre has been confirmed to include GP, Pathology, and Pharmacy tenancies.
Published 9-May-2023